Why .WEDDING Domain

A .WEDDING web address clearly identifies your business so your prospective customers quickly identify your business as someone they may want to work with.

The part of the web address after the dot – the .com- has been a function needed to visit a website, but has never been descriptive. The internet was never intended to have just one choice of a top level domain. There are now thousands of new top level domains to choose from.

With the advent of .WEDDING, businesses, brands and individuals, regardless of location, have a clear way to identify themselves with their web and email address! A .WEDDING domain works just like a .com domain.  It can be used for a website, for email, to redirect to your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram site, or redirect to any other website.

The .WEDDING domains are growing in popularity, with almost 27,000 domains registered now and more selecting this Top Level Domain for branding their business every day.
.Wedding Domains 2-year Growth Trend

There are more than 181,000 web pages indexed by Google that are using a .WEDDING domain (as of 10/31/18).
.WEDDING Web Pages indexed by Google as of Oct 31, 2018

What is the cost of standard .wedding domains?
The price of standard .WEDDING domains is competitive with other top-level domains and the domains are available through most domain registrars. Compare prices at different registrars to find the one that best fits your budget and needs. You will find a variety of prices that correspond to different levels and bundles of goods and services. You can find a list of domain registrars that support .WEDDING domains at REGISTRAR LIST. You can also acquire .WEDDING domains through The Knot.

What premium .wedding domains?
Premium .WEDDING domains are

Find Out More About Premium Domains :: How To Register A New Domain